Friday, December 12, 2008


Waiting for Your return My Savior , then i will know what is like to live , I will have no tears in my eyes and no scars in my heart......Jesus please come and take me out of this world for I long to be in Your presence.....

Tuesday, December 9, 2008

Today i pray....

I pray that My Savior give me the gift of strength for today I feel weak....God is in control of my life and I accept that,I do not understand the reason my heart is so empty today but I know by the circumstances that I have changed and that brings me joy,to know that I am more like Him today then I was couple years ago,my focus is on Jesus,in my eternal life and not in this world and in people ,everyone is making choices and I am responsible for my own.....So My Lord help me love others as You forgive my sins help me forgive and forget the hurt that others caused in my heart,so I can live a peaceful life ......Amen.